Stevie wins global creative colourist award
Live Fashion Hair Global Creative Colourist 2023 and a few more!
Stevie came back from Tenerife in Spain late last, where he went to deliver some education, but also won the Spanish Live Fashion Hair dressing awards as global creative colourist!
It was Stevie’s fifth award for the year after winning the UK’s Colourworld International colourist of the year, The American Behind the chair #oneshot awards in colour and Bigshot (that’s massive!)
And winning both Australian big colour awards in AHIA and AHFA making him the undisputed king of colour!
Stevie has now won five Australian titles … and has been finalising for over a decade. Stevie spends a lot of time educating his team. To make an appointment please call 02 96920138 or book on line here
2023 colour award trophies won by for Stevie English