Hair Biz, Stevie English And A Geezer.
It has been so cool to watch our shop grow from 2 employees to 14, and to have this great vibe whilst working, but the cream on top is getting industry recognition. We are so lucky to work with and educate for top product companies like Bio-Ionic, who give us our great straightening products Kera-Smooth and ReTex as well as the amazing OnePass irons and dryer. O&M is the best colour company on the planet and I get to talk all the time about ammonia free hair colour and its joys ,and Simplesalon, which is just the best and simplest salon software on the market. Everything in the salon is a team effort #TeamEnglish, and all the staff work really hard on looking after every client, as well as education as well as looking after me. They put up with the crazy schemes and silly jackets! ;)
ps thanks to Hairbiz