Best Colourist in Australia
Stevie won the most coveted award for colourists in Australia. Hair Expo colourist of the year 2018
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Stevie educates around the world for Matrix
Stevie has trained all staff, with his colour skills and current on trend methods. We have a tiered pricing reflecting experience and most popular styliksts
On Sunday April 22nd, the salon will be open 10–4pm to help out one of our beloved salon dogs – Millie. She is our resident French Bulldog, she’s adorable and everyone loves her. Millie has developed some pretty serious breathing problems of late, and, as those French would say, she needs a little procedure.
We are all volunteering our time for the day and donating the end of day takings to Millie.
Along with the great hair and feel good times, we will have also have some great offers in salon on the day, plus Millie cupcakes & drinks for sale, raffle tickets with some great prizes – all the proceeds going to saving Millie. So bring your cash!
We look forward to seeing you in the salon on Sunday April 22nd and helping our favourite Frenchie to get the surgery she needs.
If you cant make it to the salon but would like to help Millie -we have a Go fund Me here
Millie Day
22 April, Sunday, 10–4pm
New Curly Hair Experts team in the inner west , Glebe, Sydney
Curly Hair Superstar team
With a combined 85 years oh hairdressing experience, there isn't much they don't know about curly hair: so I would like to introduce our curly hair stars.
We spend time training because we know that curly hair is an art in itself. Even with such a large amount of experience - our team always are learning new skills, and there is always a new product to help with curly hair, from our amazing partner Matrix.
Shaun worked in London for over 10 years at one of London's top salons. His skills are amazing with afro hair and very difficult hair all lengths. If you think you are a challenge hair wise - Shaun is your go to guy! He is also the salon's creative specialist, so your curls will be managed and you'll look better than ever before.
Dave hails from Scotland, he was the head educator for Vidal Sasson in London and also was one of the first educators for Toni & Guy - back in the day when he used to cut hair by candlelight. Dave has great experience with all kinds of curls. Dave understand how the silhouette of your hair works with your head shape - so he'll make even the trickiest hair curls and lengths fabulous.
Jyle has travelled all the way from Newcastle and has been with Stevie English Hair for over 7 years. He's is a huge fan of soft curls he knows when to cut and when not to, his style is gentle and approaches every clients hair individually.
Sadie originally from England, knows all about troublesome curly, frizzy hair, as she has lived with it all her life. Sadie's secret is all about hydrating curls. She has knack for creating beautiful shapes with soft curls, and also is not afraid to add a big bouncy blow dry.
What products should I use with my curls ?
From Matrix we have a few options
Curl Please - which is a curly hair regime - A Shampoo and a Conditioner, and then use either the contouring lotion - to boost body bounce and shine, or the super de-frizzer - a lightweight strong hold for definition and frizz control .
From our O&M range - Style Guru and Frizzy Logic for styling , and Seven day Miracle to help hydrate your curls,
From R&Co. Twister is a great styling product.
Our 3 biggest tips for curly hair are:
1. Only put in curl products in when the hair is soaking wet.
2. Air dry your curls
3. Avoid razoring curly hair.
Will you phone want to recognise you if you're hair is bad?
We at Stevie English Hair specialise in making your selfies top notch. Check our instagram
So why not pop in and have a chat with one of our super stylists so we can make more than your phone recognise you.
Did you know we have stylists who just cut!
Stevie himself just colours and does that globally for Matrix.
We have hair extension specialists who love to add length or volume to your hair, and we always use Showpony.
So why not give us a call 02 94237033
Zoe is back for great hair in Glebe
Our fabulous Director Zoe has returned from maternity leave and is back in the salon on Thursdays and Fridays, effective immediately. Her appointments are available from 10am-4pm with days and she’s a popular woman so we recommend scheduling yourself in until Christmas if you really want the Zoe treatment.
Save yes to love and save 20%
At Stevie English Hair, we believe love is love. Just as everybody’s hair has the same rights to be fabulous, we feel everyone should be allowed to make someone else feel fabulous and get married if they want.
We like to think everyone we know thinks the same way, so much so, if you show us your Instagram / Facebook photo with you and your YES to gay marriage we will give you 20% off hair services of course the usual terms and conditions apply.
Best Hair Salon in Sydney! Don't believe us its on the Radio.
Shaun McGrath who is our creative specialist was recently on a London podcast to listen HERE
It's been a while since one of these- 2 years to be precise. A fair bit has changed in that time, including the cost of just about everything involved in running a business. Effective immediately, we are implementing a 5% price increase across all salon services. Thankyou for your continued and loyal patronage and we look forward to servicing our wonderful clients for many years to come.
Shaun is more than just a Hairdresser in Glebe
Shaun McGrath is Stevie English Hair’s resident nutty professor/ avant garde/ creative genius. Shaun moved to Sydney after 7 years in London working under former Vidal Sassoon creative and education director Michael Lawless (who also mentored another Stevie EnglishDirector Dave), and we snatched him up straight away. His unique combination of precision cutting skills and genuine other-realm creativity make him a favourite among our guests who like to push the envelope with their hair, plus he has a loyal client base who appreciate the beauty of a truly great haircut.
Shaun, has just finished creating wigs for fringe festival, he is in the middle of working on wigs for local shopping centre Broadway.
We asked him a few questions about what makes him tick:
What is your core philosophy about hair and hairdressing?
I believe that everyone has the right to have an individual hair style. That doesn’t mean it has to be unique - but the hair you wear should look like its yours not just the latest trendy cut.
How do you bring your imagination to salon styles?
My inspiration is diverse - i look for ways to alter the shape and silhouette of styles - sometimes
What do you do outside the salon for fun?
I Kayak, surf - being in nature is part and parcel of who I am, its how I relax and also where much of my inspiration comes from.
What hair care products do you recommend the most?
I usually recommend a mix and match across the three great ranges we have in the salon - depending on peoples hair and what I have created for them - if we have a major colour - that would be different to someone with fine hair with just a great cut.
Sadie- Blonde Specialist
Here at Stevie English we do A LOT of colour. All day, every day, we paint, foil, lighten, tone and create beautiful colours on our wonderful clients. All of our staff are talented colourists, and they all have their favourite things to do in the salon.
Sadie is our English rose, and she LOVES colouring blonde hair. She is excellent at precision foiling, balayage, full head powder lightening and corrective toning. Sadie is also a Showpony Hair Extensions specialist and can colour match any head of hair to suit their amazing human hair extensions. It goes without saying that her cutting and finishing skills are on point, but we will say it anyway- her cutting and finishing skills are on point.
After travelling all over the world, Sadie has settled in sunny Sydney. She loves to surf, run, be in the sun and just be healthy and happy. We are lucky to have her on our team, and the blondes of Sydney are lucky to have her hands on their hair! Sadie works Wednesday to Saturday and every second Sunday in Glebe,
At Stevie English we always recommend Matrix Bond Ultim8 - a bond restructuring treatment that holds and re-builds bonds even in hair that is super damaged. For blondes and people who lighten their hair, this is a saviour product that can keep your hair in tip-top healthy condition. Sadie is a big fan.
Bond 3 is magic
How Easy is to go Blonde or get Rainbow Hair? Sydney Inner-west Hair experts
Here at Stevie English Hair we get loads of enquiries about going blonde or unicorn hair. A lot of the questions go like this :
“How much will it cost to go pastel pink/ rainbow/ platinum ash blonde? I’ve got long hair, previously coloured dark brown and want to know if I can come in Saturday and leave with blonde hair with absolutely no yellow or orange tones. Also will I be out in 3 hours?”
The short answer to this question is NO. The long answer I will explain below in more detail, so if you are interested in any kind of dramatic colour change, please read on.
Thanks @misswen
So, can anyone go blonde with bright accents ?
We believe anyone can do anything with their hair. Confidence and personality over rides everything! BUT…
It’s about finding the right blonde. There are loads of different blonde types, just type “blonde” into Pinterest and see the shades.You can have blue-toned platinum, pink-platinum, green-blue platinum, steel grey , blue/grey, and even golden-platinum. You need a blonde base to do the “crazy (bright) colours”
The perfect platinum shade is a mixture of what YOU like, and what the we like as a rule.
You can YouTube anything, but powder lightening your hair is definitely not something you should do yourself! It’s not a great idea for your mate to do it either. Unless you really like the idea of major scalp blisters and an unintentional jelly chewing gum hair, you need to see a professional in order to go platinum. Does that sound scary? Because it is a reality! DON’T DO IT!
Hair pending… Now if you have enough hair for 3 full wigs and it’s black- you can guarantee its going to be a long day in the salon. Even natural, virgin hairgoing white/platinum is still a massive job that needs several stages and close supervision.
We would recommend it will take a few sessions (that’s 2 or 3 sessions) of sitting in the salon for 4 to 6 hours each go. Patience is a virtue but you need serious patience to go blonde and you can guarantee you will have very warm, possibly itchy moments whilst trying to get there.
It doesn’t matter how healthy your hair is, lightening hair is a serious business and it changes the structure of your hair. Powder lightener attacks colour pigment, both artificial and natural, it doesn’t have a brain it’s job is to strip all the pigment out of hair.
At Stevie English Hair, we use Matrix Bond Ultim8 which is a bond restorer and repairs the bonds in your hair that are broken by the lightener. Bond products like this have radically changes what we are able to achieve with hair colour, but they are not miracle products.The bottom line is that bleach damages hair bonds, we do everything we can to keep it as healthy as possible but it won’t feel or look the same as your natural hair, and you will more than likely have some breakage.
Katy Perry’s recent short haircut was a result of her hair all snapping off, so it goes to show that it can happen to anyone. I’m not trying to scare anyone off, I just want to be as honest as possible about this process. If your stylist tells you to use the Bond Ultim8 part 3 Part 3 at home once a week- DO IT!!
So, you’re still here and still going to lighten your hair. You are going to have powder (bleach) on your head for an hour, on extreme occasions longer and maybe another application and toner! Blisters and slight burns are not uncommon - products are getting better and better but it does happen. At the very least, your scalp will feel hot and quite itchy, the discomfort eases off as your scalp desensitises so if you can stick it out, do. We always talk about the pain scale. 1= cant feel anything 10= I’m dying - please speak up, but remember beauty is pain.
Quality comes at a cost. We do our best to look after your hair, we have years of training and experience and we charge accordingly. If you want cheap, go elsewhere. Going blonde and having rainbow/mermaid/unicorn hair is an investment and an ordeal- we are completely changing your hair! A ballpark figure $400 -$600 for the first visit and if you are fortunate enough to get it first time you will be spending $200- $400 every 6 weeks for root touch up and toner. We always offer complimentary consultations in the salon as it’s difficult to quote without seeing you in person.
So you have watched adverts for years about how great Pantene is… now throw it away because it is rubbish. It’s literally coating your hair in silicone (plastic) too give the false appearance of shine. We don’t recommend salon professional shampoos to rip you off- we recommend them to keep your hair in check and to maintain your expensive colour work. Silver shampoo keeps the dreaded brassiness away as the undercoat of your colour will always shine through. If you are blonde, there will be yellow, and purple neutralises yellow.
Being blonde means your hair will feel dry. We are a Matrix salon and recommendBiolage shampoos and conditioners, and you have to take home part 3 of Bond Ultim8 as well as KHair Pep, a peptide hair masque.
Do you wash your hair every day? We now recommend you wash your hair less and use dry shampoo more. Once a week is ideal.
Hair is at it’s weakest when it is wet, so treat it gently and use nice brushes and hair ties. If you go swimming, wear a cap. If you have rainbow hair, use dark towels and pillowcases and expect to see crazy coloured sweat trickle down your face at the gym. It’s a lifestyle adjustment but you will look fabulous.
There is a chance that you might never get blonde enough, your hair might be too fragile, those old home hair colours might not never come out. Worse case you don’t get there… Now you can have loads of fun with your colour and think of all the palettes of colour you could have , pinks purples etc…
The reality is that icy white is not achievable for everyone.
Great! Colour corrections are a speciality of ours and we absolutely love doing them. There is nothing more rewarding than completely changing someone’s look and seeing the other changes that can result from it. We want to colour your hair and I’m not trying to put you off with this post, but we want you to have realistic expectations. It’s a process. If we work together and both have the same end goal and follow the steps, we can achieve most results.
Shaun McGrath on ABC Radio
Shaun on ABC Radio
Shaun McGrath who is one of the salon directors and our creative specialist was on the ABC talking about his award and everything sustainable about hairdressing which is a salon passion . If you want to hear what he said <LISTEN HERE>
Stevie has been asked to be mentor for the British Fame Team, and the winner of #Hairexpo Apprentice of the year 2016 for Hairexpo iconic evening #GENNEXT. Team english has done two shows at next Gen and in Stevie's eyes really helped to put Stevie English Hair on the map.
Check out a little press here ----------->
Shaun McGrath has made finalist for Australian Avant Garde Hairdresser again, this is the second year running our creative specialist has made this prestigious honour. We wish him and the other guys who are nominated good luck.
Check out his pics here ...